16 siječnja, 2025
Korner 365 » City rutinski svladao Sheffield United, Aston Villa pred kraj slomila Burnley

City rutinski svladao Sheffield United, Aston Villa pred kraj slomila Burnley

1 min read

General view as the Manchester City and Sheffield United teams line up in front of Manchester City’s display of the FA Cup trophy, Premier League trophy, Champions League trophy, UEFA Super Cup trophy and FIFA Club World Cup trophy ahead of the Premier League match between Manchester City and Sheffield United at the Etihad Stadium, Manchester, England. Saturday 30th December 2023. (Photo by Chloe Knott / action press)

Manchester City pobijedio je Sheffield United rezultatom 2:0 u susretu 20. kola engleske Premier lige.

Rodri se sjajno sjurio u šesnaesterac gostiju i pogodio za vodstvo Cityja u 14. minuti susreta.

Za konačnih 2:0 u 61. minuti susreta zabio je Julian Alvarez.

Aston Villa je dočekala Burnley i slavila 3:2 u napetoj utakmici.

Crystal Palace upisao je pobjedu 3:1 u dvoboju s Brentfordom.

Wolverhampton je s uvjerljivih 3:0 svladao Everton.


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